How is the media & alternative media so absolutely deaf, dumb & blind? Remember, most domestic murder investigations, “It’s probably the husband/boyfriend/spouse” and it usually is. Because it’s too obvious police look elsewhere.
November 6, 2024, the morning after the night before, I could not stomach Morning Joe as he went on and on about the weakness of the democrats and fatal flaws of the Harris/Walz ticket without so much as a whisper or passing wonder about the validity of results. I myself watched MSNBC call Louisiana for Trump about 15 minutes after their polls closed and just thought — how is that right? What about the mail in ballots? The provisional ballots? The absentee ballots? How are they calling a state 15 minutes after polls have closed. Something is fuct up.
At least ONE person commented on a YouTube post that the voter turnout numbers were highly suspicious. Statistics published a significantly LESS turnout than 2020 yet there was a surge of NEW early voters as well as first time voters. Hundreds of thousands of college kids flooded the polls. Repulicans broke ranks and went blue. Women secretly voted against their MAGA husbands. Kamala Won. There is no doubt in my mind, Kamala won. She absolutely won.
November 13, 2024, Free Speech for the People reported on a petition sent to Vice President Harris by a group of computer security experts, to alert her to the probability that election protocols had been breached in prior years and had been breached again.
More recently, Romania has announced their election was so severely manipulated by Russia that they had to throw out the results and are planning a do-over in the near future. That is not a conspiracy theory, that is proof that Russia interferes and when it does, we need to call it out.
Adding in this amazing comment I received last night - from Mary Margaret Kirby with excellent links/info on the fraud -
And yet “legacy” media and alternative media continue to talk around the elephant in the room, the very real probability of serious and methodical interference.
It doesn’t take a genius to say - WTF?????????
MAGA election deniers flooded the polls and happily volunteered this election in all swing states. How hard is it to just “forget” a bucket of ballots or manually enter trump when the ballot says Kamala? Not hard.
That is to say nothing of the intense election interference documented by Greg Palast in his excellent MAGA documentary, Vigilante
Or possibly one of musk’s tech wizards found ways to mask the votes.
I am not the DOJ or the FBI but some challenge absolutely needs to be made.
Link to Jessica Denson’s latest video, “Congress MUST STOP Trump's ILLEGAL Presidency” which includes all the contact information needed to PUSH BACK before it is TOO LATE.
Adding this:
Please share & circulate this post - help could be on the way?
#uspolitics #trump #election2024 #kamala #morningjoe #demandarecount #democracy #electioninterference #trump #musk #russianinterference
He did the first time, tried the second but fail and continued to deny the loss; cheating is his preferred method of operating through life.
No, you’re not.